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It’s definitely time to start blogging again. I have so many sessions from the Fall that I want to share. This one is from the beginning of September. One of my favourite families, this is their 4th session with me! This time we also did Grandma, Grandpa and Uncles! We did part of the session […]

Remember when I told you about the two little girls that weren’t so keen on having their photo taken? Well here are the photos from their session. Gorgeous family aren’t they? Sometimes a photo just calls out to me, PRINT IT BIG! See the 5th photo from the bottom, of the family walking in the […]

Ok I’ll admit it. Sometimes photography sessions aren’t fun for everyone. Sometimes someone doesn’t want to get their picture taken. When that someone is a 1-3 year old, well, Mom’s of 1-3 year olds you understand. They’re not always so susceptable to bribery yet (ice cream anyone?) and if they decide they don’t want their […]

How can you not smile looking at this little girl? From a session a few weeks back.

This session was at the Calgary Corn Maze back in October…(ahem, still catching up on blog posts. Can I milk the pregnancy excuse?? Yes, I think I’ll do that). Mom wanted photos with a whole wack of pumpkins in the background. Well wouldn’t you know there were only FIVE pumpkins left! Yes, five. So the […]

Happy New Year everyone! I know I’ve been a bit MIA from my blog. I decided to fully enjoy my holidays at the expense of posting. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it! I am really excited to share this session with you though. This family is very important to my family for a […]

Maybe I’m biased but I love this family session. They are my family afterall. My son’s Aunt & Uncle and his cousins. We were able to take advantage of that fairly short period of time when there were TONS of leaves and beautiful fall colours everywhere. I absolutely love the ones of my niece jumping […]

So many children have their little security blanket. For me as a child apparently it was dish towels. Not one particular dish towel, just dish towels in general. This little guy loves his puppy. As you can see he was so shy with me at first, hiding between Mom & Dad’s legs, clutching his puppy […]

A late sneak peek but here it is from a session on Thanksgiving weekend – gorgeous little boy at the Calgary Corn Maze. Mom wanted some photos in the pumpkin patch, would you believe there were only FIVE pumpkins there that day?! Five lonely little pumpkins at a pumpkin patch…

