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Welcome TO THE

If you don’t have boys I may need to explain these photos. Boys can’t just walk from A to B. They must run, jump, hop, roll, punch their brother, kick their legs, spin, make a monster face, stick their tongues out and maybe throw in a funny poop joke at the end for good measure […]

Two absolutely wonderful families I met recently that are expecting baby number two!

A family session yesterday with the sweetest little guy. We ended the session with his first taste of cake. It took quite a bit of coaxing to get him to taste it, silly baby, it was a Crave cake! He didn’t know what he was missing 🙂

A quick peek from my last four sessions!

I met these proud parents and their new son yesterday 🙂

I absolutely loved seeing this family again. I last photographed them when Mom was pregnant with their littlest guy. I hope their fun spirit shows in their photos, here are a few of my favourites. *I am booking into the Fall now. I am taking limited sessions in October because we are moving so if […]

Two more little boys welcomed into this world recently. From my sessions yesterday.

Three newborns right before the long weekend. Each one so lovely in their own way. If you’ve sent me an email recently and not heard back please send again if possible. I just discovered an issue which has now been resolved, thank you so much! 🙂

This little munchkin was just not into having photos taken when I went to her house the first time. I think it is the first time ever I had to go back to a home for a newborn session (I could be wrong as my memory is terrible!). But second go around she was completely […]

