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Busy weekend for me! Here are sneak peeks from three of my sessions, one more tomorrow!

Sneak peeks of my sessions from yesterday 🙂

I must admit that sometimes the thought of three children really frightens me! I think I tend to think of all the worst case scenarios and not the hundreds of awesome things a family of five will bring us. This family was so similar to mine. Two boys, same ages as mine and a brand […]

Love capturing the relationship between a parent and their new baby, nothing better. From today’s sessions.

The first photo I’ll share is from a maternity session I had Friday with a beautiful Mom to be. The next photo you may recognize if you’ve been following my blog forever. This is baby Jack. Now, anyone that I mentioned I was doing his Mom’s photos again knew exactly who I was talking about […]

We got a smile! Always so exciting during a newborn session 🙂

These little twins stole my heart today, so beautiful!

A few images from some recent sessions 🙂

Two lovely little ones I got to meet this past weekend 🙂

Sneak peek from a maternity session on Thursday. This little pup wanted to be a part of every photo!

